Connecting Black Women

Join the network that loves you back.

Black women deserve an uplifting space where they can get clear on their goals, connect with their peers, and get access to resources that help them thrive.

Connecting Black Women is a national virtual networking series, including networking opportunities, special events, and resources to help you move forward on your goals.

“Connecting Black Women gave me answers to questions I didn’t know I had.”

— Connecting Black Women Networking participant

Don’t miss out! Sign up for our email list and stay up to date on events, offers, and more!

Quarterly Networking Sessions

Connecting Black Women is an virtual network for professional Black women to meet, build community, and get focused on goals.

Sessions are informal, drop-in, and just for us. Come as you are, take what you need.

How-To Events

From working with a recruiter to surviving the stress of professional life, these special conversations focus on topics impacting professional Black women. Allies, mentors, coaches, and other community members welcome to join.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsoring Connecting Black Women is an excellent and affordable way to support this growing national network of Black women.

Multiple sponsorship levels are available for individuals and organizations.

Why Focus on Black Women?

According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, Black women make up the largest demographic in the US workforce. And yet …

  • Black women make up one of the smallest demographics in executive level roles across all sectors;

  • Black women earn about $0.63 on the dollar compared to their white male peers;

  • Black women entrepreneurs receive less financial investment than their white and other people of color; male and female;

Additionally …

  • Black women experience higher levels of workplace stress than their peers;

  • Black women experience higher levels of stress related health issues, such as heart disease and infertility.

  • Black women report feeling less psychologically safe at work than their peers, white and other people of color; male and female.

Despite all this …

  • Black women are increasingly earning college and graduate degrees.

  • Black women remain the fastest growing demographic of entrepreneurs and small business owners.

  • Black women are increasingly looking for roles in executive leadership in both corporate and non-profit organizations.

Black women deserve better options for reaching their goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Black women. Easy!

    Okay, kidding. Networking events are for Black women professionals. You don't have to be a particular age, or work in a specific sector. Being Black and a woman is enough.

  • That's okay. Our sessions are facilitated, with prompts and suggestions to get the conversation started.

  • No worries! All of our events are drop in, drop out. Stay for as long as you can.

  • Connecting Black women is a national network. Black women from all over the united states are welcome to join. We have new folks joining every day, and participants are encouraged to connect outside of sessions.

  • Nothing to bring except yourself. We won't ask you for an elevator pitch, or a 30 sec intro. For each conversation you will be given a prompt to respond to. Just be as open and honest as you can.

  • Of course it is! How else can you set goals if you never talk about them? Come on over, we'll help you figure it out.

  • There are many ways you can support the Connecting Black Women network. Consider sponsoring a Connecting Black event. Or become and advocate and help share information about the network with your colleagues.

  • When it comes to getting the support we need, it could be next door or the next state over. Connecting Black Women is virtual to help facilitate connections and share experience across boundaries.

  • We keep the cost intentionally low so you never have to choose between paying rent or feeling psychologically safe.

  • Nope, not all! Membership offers discounts and guaranteed registration. However, tickets to individual events are also available.

  • We love allies! And accomplices. And co-conspirators. Whatever the new code is for "I help Black women succeed" we're here for it!


    To keep the networking sessions a psychologically safe space, we encourage only Black women to attend. Special events are more open, but the content does stay focused on the needs of Black women.

Our Sponsors

Individual Sponsors:

  • Bianca Marks


  • Chicago Foundation for Women, South Side Giving Circle

Sponsors make Connecting Black Women accessible by helping us keep the cost of participating low. We have unending thank yous for enabling us to do this work.